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BPF program attached to `getname` won't get called when calling the `renameat2` syscall

31+ min ago — 

...I'm fiddling with a BPF program that needs to attach to the two "... ...With getname*, I get a lot of output meaning that my BPF program... ...I also posted this on stackoverflow) BPF program attached to `getname... ...called when calling the `renameat2` syscall I'm fiddling with a BPF...

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Open second terminal window in virtual environment

1+ hour, 56+ min ago — 

...TIA, Frank in Debian bookworm I opened a terminal window and then...

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How to use both syn proxy and connlimit rules with iptables?

1+ hour, 46+ min ago — 

...rule iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --syn -j CT...

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Missing Display configuration in new archlinux system

2+ hour, 28+ min ago — 

...problem getting the display to work properly when I start a window manager...

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Setting thresholds for disk I/O metrics like wr_sec/s or rd_sec/s from sar command

2+ hour, 9+ min ago — 

...We have a Red Hat Kafka servers, and the disk utilization on the... ...Kafka disk is very high almost 100%.... ...0.00 163.50 22.87 8.82 0.38 102.00 We have a Red Hat... ...Kafka servers, and the disk utilization on the Kafka disk is...

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GRUB won't boot windows 10 in Dual Boot install

2+ hour, 49+ min ago — 

...It loads fine if I change boot order in my UEFI on motherboard.... ...In those cases with UEFI you can directly boot Windows from UEFI...

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NetworkManager - Can I disable the default Wired connection 1 and use a predefined file as default?

2+ hour, 58+ min ago — 

...The file selection depends on DHCP enabled or not....

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How to apply a filter only for some domains in postfix

3+ hour, 34+ min ago — 

...Seems that access db isn't taken into account :-( Thx for help, Jean-Luc...

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Unable to negotiate with no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss [preauth]

3+ hour, 13+ min ago — 

...Before I was able to connect my code editor using Secure FTP, but... ...sshd[644596]: Unable to negotiate with port 55208: no matching host...

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Why do two directories differ after syncing with rsync?

3+ hour, 41+ min ago — 

...Edit The filesystems are (partial output from fdisk -l): SRC: /dev... ...976760001 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT This is the output of ls -l: SRC...


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