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Here Are The 37 Brutal Murderers Joe Biden Let Off Death Row

35+ min ago — 

...” - Marvin Gabrion murdered 19-year-old Rachel Timmerman before... ...Joe Biden.... ...: Robert Allen, a mentally disabled man from Kent County; Wayne Davis... ...Salinas and Manuel Garcia Salinas, in a North Carolina restaurant...


12 Disgraceful Acts Biden Has Committed (So Far) On His Way Out

2+ hour, 48+ min ago — 

...Joe Biden.... ..., Biden’s pardon covered all “offenses against the United States... ...acts with a White House intern in the Oval Office (Clinton) who... ...Supreme Court twice, Biden is spending his final days in office attempting...


Biden's Biggest Lies In MSNBC Oval Office Exit Interview

3+ hour, 38+ min ago — 

..., Mark Zuckerberg, Pierre Omidyar, Reid Hoffman, Hansjörg Wyss, Tom... ...Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, and John Arnold.... ...In December, Democrat shill and ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos... ...Navy veteran Zachary Young, but the corporate media have been lying...


How BlackRock Helped Stack Exxon's Board With Climate Radicals

4+ hour, 37+ min ago — 

...A recent House Judiciary Committee report details how America’s largest... ...State Street and Vanguard voted for two.... ...Nor was it in the best financial interests of Exxon’s actual shareholders... ...companies from climate activist groups, including BlackRock’s recent...


Davis Details Trump Assassination Attempt In Interview With Tucker

13+ hour, 34+ min ago — 

...Davis and Carlson then discussed the Federal Bureau of Investigation... ...Trump was shot in the ear by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who... ...Davis and Carlson discuss how the Secret Service Special Operations... ...“The Secret Service didn’t send their own drones,” Davis said, instead...


David Lynch’s Death Leaves A Great Void In Cinema

16+ hour, 50+ min ago — 

...Lynch ended up living in Washington State, Idaho, North Carolina,... ...Dennis Hopper, who famously played Frank Booth in “Blue Velvet,”... ...remember that in real life David Lynch was a good-humored man who... ...But while it may seem dark now that Lynch is gone, we should always...


Davis: Lead Sniper Never Set Foot In Trump Shooter’s Building

17+ hour, 14+ min ago — 

...The lead Secret Service sniper at former President Donald Trump’s... ...The “counter sniper team lead” told the House Task Force on the Attempted... ...Nonetheless, the Secret Service “tried to blame the local cops” following... Thomas Crooks, “as suspicious,” because he was seen with a rangefinder...


Sean Davis Torches FBI Cover-Up Of Trump Assassination Attempt

18+ hour, 54+ min ago — 

...Federalist CEO Sean Davis blasted the FBI for stonewalling Congress... ...Donald Trump....


MSNBC Hack Gives Biden Tongue-Bath In His Final Interview

18+ hour, 47+ min ago — 

...[President Joe Biden sits for an interview with MSNBC]President Joe... ...Joe Biden sat down for a rare interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’... ...But as the economy tanked under Biden, the White House Council of... ...Notably, the White House and staunch defenders of Biden bent over...


Secret Service Deliberately Left Trump Vulnerable In Butler

19+ hour, 33+ min ago — 

...Secret Service Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, however, “spent the whole... ...Jill Biden in the nearby city of Pittsburgh....


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