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Super unexpected recycled material used to make faux rock jewelry hearts

2+ week, 22+ hour ago — 

...Now, time to start making Valentine goodies that you will love to...


A New Year Survival Kit- Best thing I’ve seen all year :)

2+ week, 1+ day ago — 

...This might make a cute Valentine gift too!... ...Now, time to start making Valentine goodies that you will love to...


How to make your own tinsel ball for New year”s Eve ball drop

2+ week, 3+ day ago — 

...Pop on over to the blog An Ordinary Housewife for the tutorial and... ...Pop on over to the blog Hostess With The Mostess for the tutorial...


Cardboard and yarn make great side-eye kitties

3+ week, 14+ hour ago — 

...Living in California I generally watch the ball drop at 9PM and then... ...Pop on over to the blog Hostess With The Mostess for the tutorial...


Scrap yarn is great to make a colorful pom pom Christmas tree topper

3+ week, 4+ day ago — 

...If you like making pom poms and looking for a unique tree topper... ...After you have made your pom pom tree topper featured at the blog...


A bunch of great ways to display holiday cards all over the house

3+ week, 5+ day ago — 

...If you like making pom poms and looking for a unique tree topper... ...poms out of all sorts of colored yarn to make a statement tree topper...

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