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Advice from an Olympics-bound runner to help you succeed in life’s marathon

1+ day, 13+ hour ago — 

...It’s been an exciting year for Clayton Young.... ...will compete in the Olympics this summer, representing the United States... ...Learn more about Clayton and Ashley Young’s journey to the 2024 Paris... ...excellence only comes in and through Jesus Christ....


Why a popular Protestant YouTuber just joined the Church—‘God likes to get creative to catch our attention’...

2+ day, 14+ hour ago — 

...In 2015, YouTuber David Boice completed what he set out to accomplish... ...,” he told LDS Living.... ...Orem Utah Temple, the St.... ...But The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints kept popping...


5 game-changing realizations from Steve Young’s new book

5+ day, 17+ hour ago — 

...Steve Young is a two-time NFL MVP, a Super Bowl MVP, and a first-ballot... ...watched maybe three football games in her life, I’m a fan of Steve Young... ...This idea in Steve Young’s new book will help Forgiveness is one... ...I’ll let Steve explain: “Other people have to figure out their path...


How can I love my neighbor when they’re a stranger? Here are 2 simple ideas

2+ day, 22+ hour ago — 

...Former Young Women General President Elaine S.... ...When President Thomas S.... ...Author Brooke Romney suggested that we can turn our friendship circles... ...In his new book, The Law of Love in Action, Steve Young writes: “...


Young adulting—13 quick and comforting quotes to help you make choices with confidence

1+ week, 5+ day ago — 

...Godoy and Sister Mônica Godoy shared life lessons from their experiences... ...—Sister Godoy “[Maybe] you haven’t noticed … those hoping to feel... ...—Sister Godoy “If we bring the gospel of Jesus Christ into this equation... ...—Elder Godoy “We should not expect to find our eternal companion...


My mother, a woman of faith

1+ week, 1+ day ago — 


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