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Preparing for doing a seismic retrofit

5+ hour, 42+ min ago — 

...Should I find a plumber to fix the sewage leaks and then have pest...

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Running air handler in fan-only mode

8+ hour, 47+ min ago — 

...["I've been trying to figure out how to run the fan on my air handler... ...nThe motor in the air handler has 4 wires connected to it (black...

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What type of Shower Valve Stem is this? I need to replace the handle

10+ hour, 37+ min ago — 

...My plumbing supply told me its an American Standard but every American...

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Protecting wood around undermount sink

11+ hour, 8+ min ago — 

...I've found discussions about sealing undermount "butcher block"...

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How do I stop my garage door from opening on its own?

10+ hour, 3+ min ago — 

...Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 2:57 - 1 Thanks Mike.... ...Also, unplugging or disabling the opener may make it possible to... ...used to do that as he flew over in Air Force 1: .../04/05/us/… This and similar problems with Air Force continued...

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Proper exterior outlet (non-surface mount)

13+ hour, 26+ min ago — 

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How to remove and replace the squirrel cage on an inducer blower 510-312-273?

11+ hour, 17+ min ago — 

...["I have a Weil McLain gas furnace.... ...cage on inducer blower]","I have a Weil McLain gas furnace....


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