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Silenced Suffering: The Heartbreaking Civil War on Amharas Ignored by the International Community

1+ day ago — 

...listen, Join our Telegram Channel : borkena on Facebook...


Growing Undercurrent Against Tribal Extremism Dawns Hope for Change 

1+ day ago — 

...of State and used by the American Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee... ...September 2023, I published an article under the title “The Amhara-Oromo-Tigray... ...State Minister of Peace and Spokesperson of the Oromo tribal land... ...and Oromo. Tigray...


"Window of Forgiveness" (Emebet Mengiste)

1+ day ago — 

...“Window of Forgiveness”, a short love Story, written by Emebet Mengiste... ...Emebet Mengiste’s choice of words is simple yet powerful, contributing... ...Residing in the United States, while preserving her memories and... ...Emebet Mengiste has previously written and published Five Other books...


Four people killed in flooding in the capital Addis Ababa

2+ day ago — 

...The City’s Fire and Disaster Risk Management Commission has confirmed... ...Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital. ... Like borkena on Facebook...


Congressman Tim Walberg, Gaza, and the low threshold of the US nuclear option: the urgent need for a crash project to develop African nuclear weapons and delivery systems....

2+ day ago — 

...(Tim Walberg, Republican Congressman from Michigan) “If Canada someday... ...(Kathy Hochul, Democrat governor of New York)  The threshold for... ...(Boris Johnson, former prime minister of England). ... ...(Winston Churchill, former prime minister of England) The US made...


Ethiopian President says "We can not continue like this" 

2+ day ago — 

...She said so during a discussion forum the National Dialogue Commission... ...Organized at Haile Grand Hotel to discuss women’s participation... ...Ethiopia’s National Security Council released a lengthy statement... ...Ethiopia’s National Dialogue Commission has been preparing, for years...


Abiy Ahmed’s participation “risks undermining the summit's commitment to promoting ethical business”...

2+ day ago — 

...human rights violations, including allegations of genocide and ethnic... ...“Subject: Urgent Reevaluation of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s Invitation... ...International, Human Rights Watch, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission... ..., the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention, and the Committee...


Ethiopian Woman killed in Atlanta

3+ day ago — 

...of Tana Food Mart in Lilburn, Atlanta.... ...According to Fox News, The shooter is said to be her ex-husband and...


Abiy Ahmed at the Center: Power, Conflict and Identity in Welkait and Raya

3+ day ago — 

...Liberation Front (TPLF) following the fall of the Derg regime in... ...The forced annexation of Welkait and Raya by the Tigray People’s... ...state of Ethiopia’s internal politics, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed... ...This ambiguity has opened a window for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed,...


TPLF forces reportedly engaged in extensive looting in Alamata

4+ day ago — 

...Ethiopian Media Services (EMS) , a U.S. based media, on Saturday... ...TPLF forces reportedly engaged in extensive looting in Alamata Toronto... ...A few months after the Tigray Region Interim President, Getachew... ...Tigray region to control Alamata area....


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