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How is convenience sampling used in healthcare-associated infections prevalence studies?

21+ hour, 42+ min ago — 

...Hassan Yebere Referral Hospital, Jig-Jiga, Ethiopia: "The study... ...was conducted at Sheik Hassan Yebere Referral Hospital from March...

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Coefficient of relatedness puzzle

3+ day, 10+ hour ago — 

...of Sage Vedavyas and Ambalika Ambika and Ambalika were full sisters... ...was the son of Sage Vedavyas and Ambika, whereas Pandu was the son...

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Coefficient of relatedness between Dhritarashtra and Pandu

3+ day, 10+ hour ago — 

...and Ambika, whereas Pandu was the son of Sage Vedavyas and Ambalika... ...Ambika and Ambalika were full sisters....

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Why did Opabinia have 5 eyes?

3+ day, 10+ hour ago — 

...Hence, cavefish can be said to have a single eye (Yoshizawa & Jeffery... ...Why did Opabinia have 5 eyes?... ...- Why does a capacitor act as an open circuit under a DC circuit...

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Why does conjugation occur in Spyrogyra if it reproduces via isogametes?

3+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

...I've read in my book(NEET EXPLORER-By Sanjaya Sharma and Sudhakar... ...BanerJee) that Spyrogyra sexually reproduce through conjugation,...

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Why do bacteria need the CRISPR system?

3+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

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Why is it often stated that Riccia has both type of rizhoids which are present attached to mid rib on the ventral surface of the thallus?...

4+ day, 2+ hour ago — 

...I am not a botanist and know nothing whatever about this subject,... ...$endgroup$ – David Commented 24 mins ago You must log in to answer... ...(Need to access router web interface remotely, but only have SSH...

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Is it possible to enema Viagra and is it safe?

4+ day, 17+ hour ago — 

...- Why was Panama Railroad in poor condition when US decided to build... ...Panama Canal in 1904?...


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