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5 Ways to End Procrastination | Aish
1+ hour, 26+ min ago —...Here are five ways Oliver Burkeman suggests to get things done.... ...As Burkeman writes: “When you give up the unwinnable struggle to... MA in Family Therapy from the University of North Texas.... ...Debbie Gutfreund is an OCD and trauma therapist....

Truth and Falsehook | Aish
2+ hour, 53+ min ago —...In the Talmud in Kesubot3, Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel argue about... ...Finally, The Talmud in Bava Metsiah states that Torah scholars only... ...10 Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky11 explains that it is permitted to use trickery... ...The Talmud in Yevamot6 brings a story where Rebbe Chiya and Abaye...

What is God's Love Language? | Aish
3+ hour, 11+ min ago — Rabbi Avraham Kovel If someone were to ask you why Jews have so... ...Rabbi Friedman pressed on "Ok, but do you keep kosher?"... ...every mitzvah we do, may our hearts grow fuller with love for our Creator...

Jew Hatred from the Right and the Left | Aish
3+ hour, 50+ min ago —...On the other side, the left condemns the Jewish state for being cruel... ...Jewish people are the messengers who have brought Jewish values and...

Narrowly Escaping the Iranian Revolution | Aish
4+ hour, 29+ min ago —...the forerunners to The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that consisted... ...Regine Monavar Tessone grew up in Tehran in the early 70s and lived... ...Iran and be replaced by the hardline Shiite Islamic Republic led... ...theocratic Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini....

The Hidden Jewish Cave Villages of Libya | Aish
4+ hour, 28+ min ago —...and writer Nahum Slouschz traveled throughout North Africa, looking... ...They recognized Slouschz’s companion, Rabbi Mordecai of Tripoli,... ...National Library of Israel, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons... ...In Tigrina, Slouschz met the Chief Rabbi of the area, Rabbi Halifa...

30 Jewish Affirmations for a Meaningful Life | Aish
4+ hour, 29+ min ago —...Zelig Pliskin, a renowned teacher of personal growth.... ...King Solomon wrote, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue...

Judaism: The Ultimate Sport | Aish
4+ hour, 28+ min ago —...But Rabbi B wasn’t just someone who taught us Talmud (Jewish rabbinic... ...Judaism isn’t about winning or losing.... ...Rabbi Eric Leiderman is a passionate Jewish educator, community builder... ...on Simchat Torah, and then we return to our daily practices....

Leaving Law to Fight Antisemitism on College Campuses | Aish
4+ hour, 29+ min ago —...on the Aish Ha’Am slate for the World Zionist Congress.... ...assistant director at Alums for Campus Fairness, which counters... ...Kylie Ora Lobell is a Los Angeles-based writer as well as president... ...Melanie hopes to become part of the World Zionist Congress and have...

Easy Savory Braised Chicken | Aish
4+ hour, 29+ min ago —...GET MORE FROM JEWLISH... ...Nestle chicken in liquid, turning to coat....