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How do I classify whether a document is legal or not given a set of keywords that appear only in legal documents?...

2+ hour, 39+ min ago — a pretty classic case of document classification via the Naive-Bayes... .... - for the candidate document, go through it with the above finite-state...

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Segment a spectrogram into a series of images by beats per minute to train a Deep Neural Network

9+ hour, 12+ min ago — 

...The idea is to train a model to be able to infer similar data from...

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It is possible to use deep learning to give approximate solutions to NP-hard graph theory problems?

10+ hour, 44+ min ago — 

...If we take, for example, the travelling salesman problem (or the... ...This is perhaps a more general question: My experience with deep... ...After training, the model can be used to predict solutions for new... ...Problem (TSP), Minimum Vertex Cover, Maximum Independent Set, and...

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What are the update equations for Double Expected Sarsa with an $epsilon$-greedy target policy?

23+ hour, 19+ min ago — 

...This is question 6.13 in Sutton-Barto,page 136....

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Does AI rely on determinism?

1+ day, 5+ hour ago — 

...$endgroup$ – Neil Slater Sep 12, 2018 at 12:56 - $begingroup... ...libertarian free will, which is defended by philosophers like Robert Kane... ...Appeals to Quantum Mechanics are common to justify that view....

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Why people always use l2 loss in Neural Tangent Kernel and other neural network theory?

1+ day, 13+ hour ago — 

...underground bunker - What would military spies in 17th century Europe...

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Violation of Markov property

1+ day, 20+ hour ago — 


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