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Sanhedrin 53

12+ hour, 34+ min ago — 

...Rabbi Zeira said to Abaye: As to the rest of those who are stoned... ...The post Sanhedrin 53 appeared first on My Jewish Learning....

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Sanhedrin 52

21+ hour, 51+ min ago — 

...Elazar ben Tzadok said: An incident occurred with regard to a certain... ...the court at that time was not proficient in halakhah.Rabbi Elazar ben... ...The post Sanhedrin 52 appeared first on My Jewish Learning....

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Manna for the Soul

21+ hour, 49+ min ago — 

...In Parashat Beshalach, our attention is most often drawn to its high... ...In Parashat Beshalach, our attention is most often drawn to its high...

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Sanhedrin 51

1+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

...The post Sanhedrin 51 appeared first on My Jewish Learning.... ...In Judaism, adultery is always a capital crime, but the circumstances...

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Sanhedrin 50

1+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

...Rabbi Yohanan and Rabbi Shimon disagree over how this maps on to... ...Rabbi Shimon says: By burning....

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Higher Than Speech is Song

3+ day, 8+ min ago — 

...witnessed God,” teaches the midrash (​​Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael... ..., Shirata, chapter 3.)... ...Likewise, the great Rabbi Akiva taught that while all of the Bible...


The Jewish History of Cheez Doodles | The Nosher

3+ day, 20+ hour ago — from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania... ...scientist George Sanders, who successfully removed water from the...

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Sanhedrin 48

3+ day, 22+ hour ago — 

...Rabbi Yehuda says: Even with regard to those executed by a Jewish... ...€œArise, go down to meet Ahab, king of Israel, who is in Samaria;...

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Sanhedrin 49

3+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

...of the ADL Mountain States Region.... ...Sue Parker Gerson is the senior associate director of Jewish community... ...Since he did, Yoav is still within his rights as a blood avenger... ...The post Sanhedrin 49 appeared first on My Jewish Learning....

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Sanhedrin 47

3+ day, 22+ hour ago — 

...Rabbi Elliot Goldberg is the primary at Goldberg Coaching and Consulting... Jewish day schools and a lifetime of summers at Ramah Camps.... ...A number of people came and told Shmuel about this practice.... ...has been executed morphs into a conversation about burial in general...


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