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Formula for $pi$ involving exponents of Mersenne primes

10+ min ago — 

...$p$ -exponent of Mersenne prime ; $S_2$ the third term of the Lucas... ...number of the first kind and $L_n^{(2)}(P,Q)$ - Lucas number of... ...$endgroup$ – Peter Taylor Commented Jul 2, 2024 at 14:15 - 6...

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Brezis - Merle type inequality for the bi-harmonic operator with Dirichlet boundary condition reference request...

2+ hour, 54+ min ago — 

...In the famous paper by Brezis and Merle entitled "Uniform estimates... ...every $delta in (0,4 pi)$ we have $$int_{Omega} expleft[... ...Brezis - Merle type inequality for the bi-harmonic operator with... ...$Delta^2$?...

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Inequality for the Gaussian binomial coefficient

4+ hour, 54+ min ago — 

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Highest-weight modules for RTT-quantum groups

4+ hour, 47+ min ago — 

...For example, we do know by a recent work by Lu-Zhang-Wang on small-rank... ...In general, $Y'$ may not admit a triangular decomposition.... ...presentation exists, but as far as I know the problem is still open in general...

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Reference request: Poisson boundary of a random walk on a discrete group

6+ hour, 25+ min ago — 

...Izumi, S. Neshveyev, R.... ...Okayasu, that no $Gamma$-invariant measures exist in the system...

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Deciding positivity for polynomials summed across a regular language

6+ hour, 37+ min ago — 

...over multiplicative groups, recurrences, and mixing II by Derksen & Masser... ...(Indagationes Mathematicae, volume 26, issue 1, 2015, pages...

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Sine integral and p-variation

7+ hour, 2+ min ago — 

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On the number of obstructions to planarity

7+ hour, 32+ min ago — 


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