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Seven patients diagnosed with blood cancer after Skysona treatment, new data show

2+ day, 15+ hour ago — 

...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC... ...years af­ter treat­ment … Bioscience & Technology Business CenterThe University...

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Perspective’s early data on lead-based radiopharma asset suggest lower dose did better

2+ day, 2+ hour ago — 

...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC... ...ra­dio­phar­ma biotech … Bioscience & Technology Business CenterThe University...

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Astellas places new bet on gene therapy in $50M upfront deal with UK startup

5+ day, 7+ hour ago — to re­build from an ear­li­er gene ther­a­py set­back, Astel­las... ...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC...

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FDA again raises doubts on Stealth's ultra-rare disease drug ahead of adcomm

4+ day, 17+ hour ago — 

...Da­ta sub­mit­ted to the FDA by Stealth Bio­Ther­a­peu­tics for its... ...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC...

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Teva to pay $450M to settle allegations of kickbacks and generic drug price-fixing

2+ day, 1+ hour ago — 

...Gener­ics gi­ant Te­va Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals will pay $450 mil­lion... ...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC...

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Exclusive Q&A: FDA's principal deputy commissioner on taking over for Califf, adcomms, accelerated approvals and more...

3+ day, 17+ hour ago — 

...Deputy Com­mis­sion­er Na­mand­jé Bum­pus would be in line to lead... ...With a new pres­i­den­tial ad­min­is­tra­tion next year, FDA Prin­ci­pal...

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Former Pfizer CEO and CFO flip on activist and say they now support company

3+ day, 14+ hour ago — 

...In a late-night re­ver­sal, Pfiz­er’s for­mer CEO and CFO is­sued... ...they now sup­port the com­pa­ny’s ex­ist­ing man­age­ment over ac­tivist...

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Immatics heads to Phase 3 with melanoma cell therapy, seeks to raise $150M

2+ day, 16+ hour ago — 

...Im­mat­ics said its PRAME-tar­get­ed T cell ther­a­py shrank tu­mors... ...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC...

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Oaktree creates third life sciences SPAC, following success with Hims & Hers and Alvotech

6+ day, 5+ hour ago — 

...Glob­al in­vest­ment man­ag­er Oak­tree is out with its third life... ...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC...

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Shattuck Labs cuts CD47 program and 40% of workforce as it focuses on IBD drug

1+ week, 5+ day ago — 

...Shat­tuck Labs is lay­ing off 40% of its work­force and dis­con­tin­u­ing... ...MANUFACTURING Thu at 2 PM ET ENDPOINTS WEEKLY Sat at 6 AM ET POST-HOC...


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